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Talk to me! How dialog-oriented CRM accelerates the buying process


In an era in which customer demands are constantly increasing, it is essential for companies to implement innovative methods in customer relationship management. One buzzword that is becoming increasingly important is dialog-oriented customer relationship management (CRM).

Dialog-oriented CRM goes far beyond traditional approaches by taking the interaction between companies and customers to a new level. Chatbots, as part of this approach, play a crucial role. They enable instant and personalized communication to answer customer queries or provide support throughout the customer journey.

Voice commands are another integral part of conversational CRM. This technology allows customers to interact with systems in a natural way, adding a human-like dimension to the customer experience. This is particularly relevant at a time when consumers expect seamless and convenient processes in the purchasing decision process.

Whether in the B2B or B2C sector, the use of dialog-oriented CRM significantly improves the customer journey. By integrating customer data from various sources into CRM software, companies gain a comprehensive overview of customer behavior. This enables a more targeted approach and the development of tailored offers, which ultimately strengthens customer loyalty.

Dialog-oriented CRM plays a key role in the purchasing process by enabling real-time interactions. Customers can call up information, receive recommendations and even buy directly via the desired channel. This flexibility helps to increase conversions and maximize customer satisfaction.

Overall, it is clear that dialog-oriented CRM is shaping the future of customer management. The integration of chatbots, voice commands and CRM software creates a dynamic platform that supports companies in deepening customer relationships and positioning themselves successfully in the digital era.


About the author:

Frank Lauterhahn

Managing Partner

Frank Lauterhahn is an experienced CRM consultant who helps companies of all sizes and from all industries to develop effective CRM strategies and benefit from CRM software in the long term.

With a holistic approach, he supports his customers from the definition of objectives to business analysis and implementation.


As an independent consultant with extensive market knowledge and negotiation skills, he ensures the selection of the most suitable software solution and a smooth implementation.


Thanks to his many years of experience as a project manager in CRM technology implementation, he ensures that the project runs smoothly.


With expertise in various project methods and consulting services for the digitalization of customer management, he supports companies that are ready to exploit their full potential.