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Targeting the market - from mass to class: How to succeed with intelligent segmentation

In today's business world, it is crucial for companies to understand their customer base and serve them accordingly. One best practice that has proven to be extremely beneficial in this regard is segmenting customers according to their individual interests and behaviors.

In order to carry out effective segmentation successfully, it is first essential to carefully analyze the available information. A key question here is what data is already available about customers and how this can be used to enable targeted profiling and messaging.

In the B2B sector, this information often includes parameters such as industry and customer penetration, while in the B2C sector, factors such as age or purchasing behavior can be relevant. However, intelligent segmentation goes beyond such data and also takes into account customers' individual interactions with the company, including their preferred touchpoints and offers used.

Based on these findings, companies can divide their customers into groups that correspond to their strategic sales and marketing objectives. For example, customers who have a strong affinity for special promotions can be differentiated from those who buy at list prices. The communication content can then be optimized for the groups and individualized for individual contacts.

Overall, a clever segmentation strategy is crucial for the success of sales and marketing activities. By addressing customers in a targeted manner, companies can increase their efficiency and at the same time sustainably improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

It is important to critically scrutinize the CRM systems in place within the company and ensure that they meet future requirements. If this is not the case, a digital realignment of customer management may be necessary.

Are you sure that your current CRM and marketing software meets all future requirements? If not, we will be happy to advise you on the digital realignment of your company's customer management.


About the author:

Frank Lauterhahn

Managing Partner

Frank Lauterhahn is an experienced CRM consultant who helps companies of all sizes and from all industries to develop effective CRM strategies and benefit from CRM software in the long term.

With a holistic approach, he supports his customers from the definition of objectives to business analysis and implementation.


As an independent consultant with extensive market knowledge and negotiation skills, he ensures the selection of the most suitable software solution and a smooth implementation.


Thanks to his many years of experience as a project manager in CRM technology implementation, he ensures that the project runs smoothly.


With expertise in various project methods and consulting services for the digitalization of customer management, he supports companies that are ready to exploit their full potential.