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Customer Experience Management - Turning customers into fans


Customer satisfaction is often postulated as an advertising slogan, but the reality in the B2C sector is different: Customers' concerns and complaints have to be repeated to every single customer service agent, with no guarantee that they will be dealt with competently.

With such experiences, it is no wonder that loyalty to the company in question dwindles and, as a bitter aftertaste, customer retention is jeopardised in the long term.
In this case, it is essential that the company and its employees react appropriately to the situation in order to manage the potential escalation and provide the customer with competent advice.
This is where Customer Experience Management (CEM) comes in: it tries to leave a positive association with the company in the customer's mind in order to create a strong bond between the customer and the company and its products.

Satisfied customers become multipliers. And here, too, the old adage "share the pain, keep the gain" has a quantitative meaning, because statistics show that satisfied customers will tell about three to four other customers about their positive experience with a company or product, but customers will tell up to 11 others about their negative experience.

The focus of Customer Experience Management (CEM) is therefore always on meeting customer needs in the best possible way, because satisfied customers become loyal customers and positive advocates. 

As a result, CEM is a dynamic evolution of CRM, as it provides companies with two benefits. On the one hand, by using the latest technology, companies can help customers act quickly and feel completely taken care of. On the other hand, through this smooth technical process and an absolutely service-oriented team of employees, they can turn customers into fans whose emotional attachment to the company will reach other customers who will enter the process of active customer retention.

Contact us to find out more about how companies can achieve optimal customer retention and increase their competitive advantage through a targeted CRM and CEM strategy.

#CRM #CX #turningcustomersintofans

About the author:

Frank Lauterhahn

Managing Partner

Frank Lauterhahn is an experienced CRM consultant who helps companies of all sizes and from all industries to develop effective CRM strategies and benefit from CRM software in the long term.

With a holistic approach, he supports his customers from the definition of objectives to business analysis and implementation.


As an independent consultant with extensive market knowledge and negotiation skills, he ensures the selection of the most suitable software solution and a smooth implementation.


Thanks to his many years of experience as a project manager in CRM technology implementation, he ensures that the project runs smoothly.


With expertise in various project methods and consulting services for the digitalization of customer management, he supports companies that are ready to exploit their full potential.